Highly reliable, efficient and collaborative work relies on excellent communication and constant awareness.
Nearly two-thirds of managers believe poor information awareness is hurting productivity by 29%, according to a survey by Capgemini. According to the same report, some 63% of the respondents said they made crucial decisions without the right information. Only a small percentage of managers within a corporation have the time or know-how to use the available tools on a regular basis to stay up to date on key performance indicators.
Welcome to APEX – An advanced communication portal and dashboard system for creating highly reliable, efficient and collaborative work places.
With APEX you can broadcast your mission critical information across the entire corporation in real time. You can target each user group with the information that pertains to them. This means everyone will be aware of the latest information without making any efforts to ask or search for it.
Traditionally, the sort of functionality that APEX provides has been available through extensive programming efforts only. However with its innovative tools and intuitive user interface, APEX provides these powerful capabilities with minimum effort and with zero programming.
Nearly two-thirds of managers believe poor information awareness is hurting productivity by 29 per cent.
In today’s competitive business world, having access to information is key to maintaining a competitive edge. It is information that allows corporations to assess their position in the market and accordingly make the right decisions going forward.
Every single day, the corporations of the world generate countless amounts of data but not a lot of information. These systems are known as “data rich, information poor”.
Today’s Information Systems are providing more comprehensive analytical as well as reporting tools. Many corporations have adapted large Business Intelligence (BI) initiatives to gather data from multiple sources into a single location to allow “One Stop Shopping” for information instead of having to go through multiple systems.
However, despite all these efforts, lack of user awareness has remained a major problem. This has been mostly due to:
The information is hard to get. In many cases, the systems are complex and can only be used by trained users.
In today’s business world, the reporting systems should be able to adjust to a corporation’s constantly changing initiatives. In many cases the complexity and lack of flexibility of these systems do not allow necessary changes to happen quickly and effectively. Hence, much of the available information remains irrelevant or obsolete.
The information is not often correct; hence unreliable. Unreliable information is ignored. Ignoring the information causes it to become irrelevant and eventually obsolete. (Please see the white paper “The Perpetual Improvement Cycle” under the Papers section)
Today's information systems place too much emphasis on data and information generation and too little on user awareness
We have a vision towards improving information visibility and awareness. We feel that today’s information systems place too much emphasis on data and information generation and too little on user awareness. Lack of user awareness is the main reason behind the downfall of any information system. We strongly believe that by improving the user awareness, both information quality and performance will improve.
Our vision can be simply summarized as “Providing effort-free information”. This means keeping you aware of your mission critical information without you spending time and effort finding it.
To achieve this vision, APEX has been designed to fulfill the following requirements:
Vast data gathering. To get the information that matters, it is necessary to gather data from various sources including legacy systems, data marts and the internet
The best information is real-time, on-time. Real-time mission critical information delivered on-time results in better performance and more effective decision making
Red flags improve performance. Real time red flags and alarms are essential in allowing the user to be proactive in dealing with potential problems in early stages.
Presentation is critical. Highly graphical presentations play an important role in getting the attention of the user.
Only the right information matters. Avoid information overload. Target each audience group with the information that pertains to them
Information should come to you, not the other way around. It is essential to minimize the efforts required for acquiring information
Quick adaptability to sudden changes in the management initiatives. Information requirements change all the time. Powerful, yet simple report design and management capabilities should allow for quick turn-around for design and delivery of reports
Seamless integration into any corporate web sites. APEX can integrate into the corporate website and become available to all employees
Jul 16 2010
Quad Infotech introduces Mobile Apex
Quad Infotech has released the first version of Mobile Apex application. Mobile Apex allows for easy creation of unified reports from multiple data sources for mobile smart phone users who need to have access to critical information at all times. ... » continue reading
Aug 5 2008
APEX website launch
We are Proud to announce the official launch of the APEX website. » continue reading
Jul 10 2008
APEX 2.0 Released
A number of key features were introduced in the new version aimed at not only enhancing the use experience but also provide methods to share more information in a smaller display footprint. » continue reading
Apr 14 2008
Introducing the APEX Info Center: an online dashboard and webportal
The Info Center portal can be integrated with the corporate web site. This will allow easier access of all corporate users to the APEX channels and reports. » continue reading
Mar 3 2008
Gerdau Ameristeel Charlotte implements APEX Automated Email Services
Gerdau Ameristeel Charlotte replaces manually created daily reports with automated APEX reports. » continue reading

- Live Broadcasting APEX broadcasts live mission critical information as well as KPIs to all designated nodes and recipients throughout the enterprise. As new information arrives, all nodes automatically refresh and display the latest information. This allows for all APEX scoreboards and live channels to stay up-to-date with the latest information without any user intervention.
- Web Content You can now include web content along with corporate information in a single display. Live feeds from major news agencies such as CNN, CNBC, etc or from steel related site can be integrated into your APEX reports and displays. You may even get feeds and contents from your own corporate website.